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Selecting Window Coverings

May 30, 2022

Selecting Window Coverings

Selecting Window Coverings

These days, window coverings come in a dazzling array of options. While in the past, curtains and drapes have been the classic (and classy) option for window coverings, the variety of options in blinds and shades has expanded dramatically, with everything from cheap, durable aluminum Venetian blinds to dramatic, dual-direction pleated linen shades. With the array of options to choose from, how does one go about selecting window coverings? Let’s look at some of the factors you may want to consider when selecting window coverings.

What do you like?

Have you spent much time reviewing interior design websites and magazines for inspiration? If not, this is a great place to start. Pay attention to what types of window coverings appeal to you, and what they have in common – is there a certain look or material you are drawn to? Do you prefer fabric or wood, vertical or horizontal? Do you like dual-dressing windows, with a combination of a blind or shade with a curtain or drape? Once you have a sense of your aesthetic preference, you can start to zero in on what window coverings will make you happy.

What do you need?

Assess the windows you need to select coverings for. Some questions you might ask yourself are:

  • What is the space used for? If it’s a bedroom, it might be important that light be fully blocked. If it’s a sitting room that looks out over a lovely view, what window coverings might “frame” that view?
  • What are the environmental considerations? If the room faces onto a busy street, you may want to select insulated blinds or heavy drapes that can help reduce noise pollution. If a family member has dust or pet allergies, blinds are easier to clean regularly than fabric curtains.

What is your budget?

The type of window covering you can select will depend a great deal on what you are willing and able to spend, and on how durable you want the coverings to be. For example, a fancy motorized blind or “top-down-bottom-up” shade is going to set you back a lot more than simple premade curtains or aluminum or plastic Venetian or slatted blinds. These days, you can get shades and blinds made in every manner of material, from fabrics like linen, to painted or enameled metal, to insulated or brightly coloured plastics, to wood and bamboo. Each option comes with its own pros and cons, and its own price point. Balancing your dreams with your budget is often the trickiest part of the process. It can help to get assistance from an interior designer or knowledgeable sales person who can recommend alternatives with a similar look or functionality if your top choice is out of your price range.

Try to have fun!

As you can see, there are many things to consider when selecting window coverings, and ultimately you want to balance the functionality of the covering with your design ambitions AND your budget. However, with the range of choices available, it’s very unlikely you will come up empty handed. Window coverings are part of the overall design and impact of your space, so try to approach this an opportunity to improve your space, rather than a chore!